Greetings Links Corner community

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Tweed & Whisky
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Greetings Links Corner community

Post by Tweed & Whisky »

Was a keen TW player until I experienced LS and saw the light :notworthy:
Appreciate all the amazing insights and courses this site provides.
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Re: Greetings Links Corner community

Post by pmgolf »

Welcome! If you have any questions, just post them in the Forum.

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Tweed & Whisky
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Re: Greetings Links Corner community

Post by Tweed & Whisky »

Thanks Pete.

So many courses, stumbled across an early Mike Jones course, Pilgrim Trails Golf Club from '09, recommend it.
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Big Sexy JC
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Re: Greetings Links Corner community

Post by Big Sexy JC »


Interesting that you just posted that course. I'm putting together a little TGL like AI league and was looking to use all fictional/fantasy courses as "home" courses for teams in the league and this course is one I just tested and it definitely made the cut. I need 15 more similar to it. Here are 4 others that have already made the cut so I guess I need 11 more. Suggestions anyone? No real courses and no courses less than 100mb and preferably not less than 125mb. MB don't always = high quality, but usually MB = high quality. See what I did there?

Cara Brae
Las Joyas
The Glen
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Re: Greetings Links Corner community

Post by Adelade »

Big Sexy JC wrote: January 16th, 2025, 3:56 amSuggestions anyone? No real courses and no courses less than 100mb and preferably not less than 125mb. MB don't always = high quality, but usually MB = high quality. See what I did there?
About the file sizes - I do get what you're saying, when lacking anything better to go on, it can be a sort-of-decent method to avoid getting lost in the massive course library maze, but I still want to say that I think it is a big mistake to have a minimum 100 or 125 MB file size condition, and that is even if visuals happens to be one's main priority.

The course file size is mostly a measure of how many different HD textures the designer put into the course, and more often than not, the extra HD textures that some courses feature are usually put into buildings and other stuff away from play areas, and you will probably never come close enough to be able to appreciate the high definition of those during an average round. There is also the fact that not all HD textures are prettier than all non-HD textures. The bigger difference in visual appeal often comes from how much work and expertise was put into the planting, and planting doesnt have nearly as much effect on the course file size as textures. Another side of the discussion is how some designers have been really good at optimizing the file sizes, whereas others havent bothered with that at all. With all that being said, you wont find me arguing that some large-file-size courses by the likes of Robert Miller, Mike Jones or Wayne Hewitt arent among the very prettiest, because they sure are, but you will miss out on a lot of great courses if you set a limit at 100 or 125 MB. Especially if you care about more than just visuals.

Here are some examples of pretty (well thats always subjective isnt it? but I think most would agree) fictional courses with lower file sizes (and I havent played that many fictional courses, so there must be plenty others):
Shaking Tree 89 MB, Wellington Point 84 MB, Craters Edge 76 MB, Adams Tree 73 MB, Zeitsbergen 66 MB, Coogans Bluff 61 MB, Spirit Hollow 59 MB, and finally my personal favourite among fictional courses - Meresbrook Forest with a whopping 42 MB - sure, it wont compete for any pure beauty awards when compared to the courses you mentioned, but it was made in 2004 and to me it is very beautiful.

Two among my favourite fictional courses which do make the 100 MB cut are Bartlett Springs and Rotherly Park. There is also the obvious choice of Crooked Creek since no one mentioned it yet.
Finished Courses - Main: Amedal (fictional), Nine Bridges (real)
Other: Austin, Sheshan, Kauri Cliffs, Le Golf Nat. Updates: Whirlpool, Royal Lytham, Royal St George's, Chicago, Chambers Bay, Munchen Nord E
Working on: 2 fictional courses + a couple things...
Colin Jones
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Re: Greetings Links Corner community

Post by Colin Jones »

Are we really having a discussion about whether size matters? :smile:

I saw a new member recently asked for advice on which courses were "good". Seemed an odd question at the time, but there are so many courses and they vary hugely in quality of course. I completely understand why you would want some sort of criteria or advice to narrow down the list of possible really "good" ones. Reviewing its size has some merit in trying to do that, but far from foolproof as Adelade points out. There's not much else for JC to rely on as he tries the sort the wheat from the chaff.

Remember when there used to be ratings - where all the LC members could vote on a course and rate it from ace to bogie? That was fun (except if your course got alot of bogies I suppose!). That was helpful, but as numbers here dwindled it became less meaningful and ultimately misleading because sample sizes were so low. Probably quite offensive too for some designers to spend hundreds of hours building a course and some jerk rates it as a bogie just for fun. I recall a Mike Jones course getting some bogies.........sheesh.

There there was the guy who wrote a lengthy review of every course released and gave them ratings out of 50. He was really good, I liked him and his reviews alot, even if he clearly had all the usual suspects as his favourite pet designers. I learnt alot as a novice designer from those reviews. I think it all become too much and he retired. Maybe LC should get someone to volunteer to be the new him? Will need to be careful as we can't afford to piss off any of the few designers we have left. :smile:

Oh........welcome Tweed and Whisky. Now let's all guess where you hail from with a user name like that................ :smile:
Last edited by Colin Jones on January 17th, 2025, 11:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
Completed: Golf Club of Houston (Redstone); Banff Springs 2025 (Thompson 18 and Tunnel Mountain); Mauna Kea 2024; Royal Sydney Golf Club.
Working on another Sydney course with an eye across the ditch too.
Big Sexy JC
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Re: Greetings Links Corner community

Post by Big Sexy JC »

Here are my final 18. Tried to use several different designers, some I'm familiar with and some I'm not. Also looked at the reviews (the ones that had one), the size, the reputation of the designer, etc.. Of course, I could've just used all of Sage's with his numbers, but I wanted to let some others play too. LOL.

Bakers Flat
Bartlett Springs
Bull Run HD
Burns Old Links HD
Cara Brae
Coastal Pines Golf Resort
Crooked Creek HD
Crystal Pines HD
Dark Woods Golf Club
Duine Mara
Faerne the Ancient Course
Kill Devil Hills HD
Las Joyas HD
Pilgrims Trail
Sand Hills Club
Shadowlands GC HD
The Glen
West Coast Links
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Re: Greetings Links Corner community

Post by PinHi »

Yes - Clipnotes by Ben Bateson (ousgg) did a great review on many many courses. For new ones to links - I did my own mini review on 100 course that I really liked and still have in game. Many different designers and many different sizes - some real. some fictional. Just go to Lobby - then page 4 and scroll down to "Wonderful Golf Courses" and you will find them. There is 18 pages. It gives a quick review of what I liked - you may like some as well. It brings us up to 2022 at least. Sure not up to what Ousgg had done or as extensive - but I had fun and my view is still the same that`s why I have them in game yet.
There may be 3 or 4 courses from 2001 included - one being Arrowhead by Art Patscheck - great course IMHO - couple others I cannot remember right offhand. Have been out of the loop for a bit - health problems and have also spent more time learning to play guitar. I`m 83 - can you teach an old dog new tricks? Possibly but it takes a lot more time.

I take this opportunity to thank all those still designing and in whatever way continue to contribute to this great game. :yes:
Hats off to JC for work he has done in updating anis. Gives me a headache trying to understand what he has written on what he has done to upgrade :tiphat:

Life is short - have fun! :smile:
Last edited by PinHi on January 19th, 2025, 9:40 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Greetings Links Corner community

Post by Pinseeker »

Hello everyone, I'm sort of new to Links. Used to play it back in the late 90s from Links 98 until 03 then life happened. Later on I played TW and PGA2K but rediscovered this game recently. One question, are there any site still hosting tournaments?
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Re: Greetings Links Corner community

Post by pmgolf »

Yes, Pinseeker, LSPN.NET is hosting tournaments, and now it's a free site. I run a Tour called the World Tour, but it's just one of many. Drop by and see us!

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