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Austin CC 2022
by Adelade

Note: This course contains 1024x1024 textures and can only be played in version 1.07 or later of Links 2003

Links Corner Course Database ID Number - 2733
Release Date CRZ Filesize Par Course Length
2022-07-28  71,556,393  bytes 72  7062 yards
Type Style CRZ Filename
REAL  PARKLAND  Austin CC 2022 v1.00.crz 
Course ID Course Key
0fe5e6ed1e254f2395fe7be37940fe4f  7e46758bb20862d7cd5b8b480eb8bdc0 


With this project I mainly wanted to see how fast I could make a decent rendition of a real course. While I am fairly excited about the layout itself and think the result should be quite enjoyable, this was never meant to be a big or "main" project of mine that I wanted to spend a lot of extra attention on (not that the course doesn't deserve it, but I have too many other course projects I want to spend that type of time on).

Including the test phases, it was effectively made within the span of 4 months (actually 7 months, but I had a 3-month complete break in the middle), so some things are intentionally simplified. In terms of gameplay alone, however, it should be very accurate to real life.

Austin Country Club is a real, hybrid hill, creek and seaside course located right beside the Colorado River in Austin, Texas, USA. The current layout was designed in 1984 by Peter Dye (renovated in 2015) and has hosted the WGC Match Play championship of the main PGA Tour ever since 2016. Even if the course might not play all that difficult overall in Links (depending on your settings, of course), as you might guess, it is very well suited for match play, featuring a lot of high-risk-high-reward holes with plenty of water and other significant hazards in play.

The green slopes are based on 2-inch elevation charts with extra attention given to areas in-between wherever appropriate, based on the slope colours. Hence, they are very accurate, and will be playable (and most fun?) on very fast greens speeds. All pins are placed very carefully in realistic spots, with none on a slope steeper than around 3.5%. I highly recommend using a large rate of difficult pins, because they bring out the strategy elements of the layouts so much more, and also tends to be how the PGA Tour mainly plays it.

The iron bridge ("Pennybacker Bridge") within this version was made entirely by Dan DeShaney. He offered to make it and I was more than happy to accept!

I welcome all types of feedback (though the constructive type is as always, the most appreciated one), and I am always looking for ways to improve and please as many Linksters as possible for future courses, there is no need to hold back as long as you try to be polite about things. Just please keep in mind that this time around, since the very beginning, I wanted to keep this particular course project light, and was determined to be ok with some things being merely "acceptable".

--A couple things to note before playing--
-All Deep Grass and Creekside areas play as drop hazards (in other words, not just the streams themselves but their whole immediate canyon-like surroundings), but they very rarely come into play except on the obvious creek holes. In real life, you can sometimes play from those creek areas, but Links' drop rules are flawed and I could foresee some really awkward situations if things were not done the way I did it, so I think it is what it cleanest and safest and therefore best, at the end of the day.

-The tees Back Mid Fwd and Jun are based on real-life tees according to the latest available real-life scorecard I could find. Lady tee is planted wherever I thought it was suitable, which on a few holes means they play a short few yards longer than the Back tees, but overall is mostly in between Back and Mid.

-In order to experience the surrounding landscape the best way, it is recommended that you play on one of the two highest settings for "Picture Quality" in Links' Graphics settings.
-The hole routing is the reversed-nines one. In other words, the same one that the PGA Tour tends to use.

Please see the ReadMe for more info about the course and project, acknowledgements, a statement about sharing of APCD resources, and contact info.

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