steel grass issue - Harding Park - need ideas here

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steel grass issue - Harding Park - need ideas here

Post by dorse72 »

I guess I'll throw this out to the forum and all the designers, I've replanted the areas that come into play with the natural grass like 3 or 4 time now, and they still play as a hard bounce back. yes I know the rectangle collision, yes I know the properties, yes I know all pass thru eliminates the collision rectangle, so dont go there plz.

I've reset the properties over and over, saved the planting set, saved the course, replanted the areas with new grasses, V&Saved, no dice, still bounce back when hit into, tried all 6 grasses.

I created new grasses again in Photoshop, saved w/alpha, loaded into planting library under NEW object type, called them a diff name, set properties to all pass thru, saved planting set, planted, saved course, V&S, loaded into Links, still bounces back. wth?!

gave the plant tgas to Collin and Adelaid, they planted and said they work fine, so whats going on?

I created 40 trees for HP myself from images, made in Photoshop, with an alpha, and their properties work fine - I checked multiple times just now, collisions set right about 50% seem perfect for these dense trees.

so maybe these new 2Ds are saving incorrectly on my new version of Photoshop? only thing I can think of, as I think Collin and Adelaid are using Gimp. Again, maybe the new 2Ds, which come with they're own alpha BTW, something is off with it. I could try to examine them again.

BTW the apcd grasses worked fine and let the ball pass thru.

OR, I'm thinking I remove about 3-4 yds of grasses and 2ds into the areas off the fwys, where the guys are going to hit into, eliminating most of the 2d collisions, AND set those areas to free-drop if needed, or if its far enough into the area, set that to a penalty drop?? need some ideas here, thanks.
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Re: steel grass issue - Harding Park - need ideas here

Post by dorse72 »

did a test with a tree from the new 2D library, 2 shots, 1 into the top canopy which passes thru and slowed down, so pass there, and 1 into the trunk which bounced sideways with a hard bounce back, so perfect there also. So this new planting worked, still cant figure out why the grasses dont work.

Screenshot 2023-10-31 153248.jpg
Screenshot 2023-10-31 153248.jpg (162.94 KiB) Viewed 2502 times
test tree.jpg
test tree.jpg (412.67 KiB) Viewed 2502 times
test goes thru.jpg
test goes thru.jpg (283.73 KiB) Viewed 2502 times
test2 hits trunk collision.jpg
test2 hits trunk collision.jpg (346.61 KiB) Viewed 2502 times
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Re: steel grass issue - Harding Park - need ideas here

Post by dorse72 »

i did notice that APCD creates a folder after you bring in custom objects, then creates a tga folder inside there, Lez talked about this on his videos. maybe if I delete the grasses from this folder?? what happen? the course would search for the grasses when loading it and wouldnt find them right? maybe solving the issue.
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Re: steel grass issue - Harding Park - need ideas here

Post by Adelade »

Did you try the test I suggested about testing if the problem lies with the course file or the object library?

If you delete the TGA folder files, Im thinking the objects will likely become corrupted or simply unable to plant them again. If you do a backup of the APCD first it wont hurt to try I suppose.
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Re: steel grass issue - Harding Park - need ideas here

Post by dorse72 »

I dont see how it can be the course file if the trees from myself and the new 2D library plant and collide correctly. I thought I did, but I'll go back to ur email and double check.
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Re: steel grass issue - Harding Park - need ideas here

Post by dorse72 »

success! not sure what I did different, but I got 3 of the 6 grasses planted, so looks I can release this after double checking everything again today. I went back to the new object types, double checked they were set to all-pass thru for all 6, saved, planted 1 object of each, and the last 3 allowed the ball thru, the 1st 3 did not and still do a hard bounce back, no idea why, but atleast I have 3. So, the areas will look a little repetitive, but it looks OK IMO. frustrating thing is still dont know what caused it and how to avoid it at Olympic Club, so whatever. onward and upwards... :thumbup:

chip shot below shows ball traveling directly thru grass
screen0061.jpg (350.91 KiB) Viewed 2458 times
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