Installing Links on New Laptop

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Installing Links on New Laptop

Post by Adelade »

Just got a new laptop, not planning on using it often but I wanted to try get Links working on it, and I didnt like the idea of getting one of those laptops without "proper" GPUs, so I got one of the cheapest among gaming laptops I could find. Just thought I'd post a little about what I had to do to get Links working, in case it might help someone else at some point.

Laptop Specs:
Model: MSI GF63
CPU: Intel i5 11400H
GPU (Integrated graphics): Intel UHD Graphics + NVidia GTX 1650 (4GB)
Native resolution: 1920 x 1080
OS: Win 11 Home

First I installed (CD version) into a custom location, applied patch 1.07, applied Nvidia patch, got the Career Mode Fix, copied over personal Links files from my other computer into their appropriate folders, then tried to launch. Didnt work (process interrupted when application window first tried to load), thought I'd have to do Win 7 compatibility mode but no, tried again launching as Admin which worked (skipped installing DirectPlay), however Links only recognized the Intel GPU. I set some graphical settings within Links (using windowed mode), tried loading into a course, it looked weird in a bunch of ways. Exited and tried selecting the Nvidia GPU for Links within Nvidia control panel, didnt change anything. Installed the dgV wrapper and configured, didnt work first time I tried launching Links (process interrupted when application window first tried to load), but I tried launching a second time without doing any changes whatsoever which worked (odd, but ok) and now the game uses the correct GPU (and since that first time, launching has always worked first time). Everything seemed good in game except translucent shadows for golfer wont work - this is somewhat common, doesnt bother me, in fact it helps when grabbing screenshots with the invisible golfer to hide the club shadow. However I had a feeling the textures looked blurrier than I remembered them, so I tweaked some stuff in Nvidia Control panel which seems to have fixed it, played an enjoyable full round and now just gotta work on hitting that snap.

Not having any issues with Win 11 so far by the way. Not a fan of how it looks in many ways and so, but I installed some customization programs to tweak and fix such things.
Finished Courses - Main: Amedal (fictional), Nine Bridges (real)
Other: Austin, Sheshan, Kauri Cliffs, Le Golf Nat. Updates: Whirlpool, Royal Lytham, Royal St George's, Chicago, Chambers Bay, Munchen Nord E
Working on: 2 fictional courses + a couple things...
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