tournament crashes

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tournament crashes

Post by Dr golf »

almost every week, during a tournament, I have a round crash at least once, maybe more. I tried playing offline as I have dish internet. It still crashed.
Are there any alternatives or patches (fixes) that one can download? Thank you for any help

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Re: tournament crashes

Post by Adelade »

Do you have any more info about the crashes? Do they tend to happen at certain points in time during gameplay for example? How do the crashes happen? Does the game freeze up or simply close down to desktop on its own? Any error messages? Have you ever noticed the sky in Links turning into a dull blue monotone a while before the crashes? Do you have the Nvidia patch installed already?

There may be some things you can test.

Some people say sound issues cause crashes, and some claim that the 1.02 patch has some sound fixes that are not included in the 1.07 patch. If you think the sounds may be the issue, and remember that you dont have the 1.02 patch specifically installed already, you could try reinstalling the game and installing patch 1.02 before installing 1.07. Otherwise you could try changing soundscripts or turning sounds off.

If you have a lot of skies in your Links > Skies folder and play with random skies, the sky will turn into the monotone dull blue colour after a certain number of started rounds or the graphic settings window being opened, and shortly afterwards a crash usually happens. If you think this might be the problem, you can either reduce the amount of skies in the folder, change from random skies or simply restart Links between rounds and not open the graphic settings window more than necessary.

Crashes might also be caused by graphic related things, in which case it possibly could help to lower your graphic settings in Links. For example, moving the Picture Quality slider a step or two towards the left, or playing at a lower resolution. Reducing the amount of cams (e.g. Top cam, Landing cam, Profile Cam etc) you have open can also help. If you have a laptop or system with two graphic cards, are you sure that Links is utilizing the better one?
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Re: tournament crashes

Post by Dr golf »

Thanks for responding. No, the crashes do not happen at any specific time. Once it crashed when I was on the 18th hole. I have no random sky loaded, just the normal blue default sky. I do have the patches but wouldn't mind reinstalling them if you have access or a link as to how to get. It's very frustrating as I'm not good enough to add penalty strokes to my score. Please help if you can and if you can point me in the proper direction of the patches. Thank you

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Re: tournament crashes

Post by pmgolf »

Crashes happen for many reasons. Some crashes happen because you are using the Green Analyzer and the course doesn't work well with it - and the information is out there about those courses. Windows 10 Update can crash your Links round. The same is probably true with Windows 11. If you're playing online at and you have a weak internet connection, you're risking a crash. Those people need to play offline. None of these things can be repaired by re-applying a Links Patch.

Take control of Windows Update and make it run when you want. Don't use Green Analyzer. Stop other programs from running at the same time as you're playing. (There was some freeware called "End it all" that stopped other programs from running) Try Googling some answers to your problems. The best you're going to be able to do is remove some of the problems. I usually have a round crash about one time a year. Good luck!

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Re: tournament crashes

Post by Adelade »

The patches should be available at
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Re: tournament crashes

Post by GoBucks »

Dr golf wrote: September 25th, 2022, 2:04 am Thanks for responding. No, the crashes do not happen at any specific time. Once it crashed when I was on the 18th hole. I have no random sky loaded, just the normal blue default sky. I do have the patches but wouldn't mind reinstalling them if you have access or a link as to how to get. It's very frustrating as I'm not good enough to add penalty strokes to my score. Please help if you can and if you can point me in the proper direction of the patches. Thank you

I agree with Pete (Sorry, Pete. Was bound to happen sooner or later) The patches are installed and functioning or you wouldn't be able to access the online events.

How old is your system, and when was the last you removed the covers and cleaned it out? It could be a heat-related issue.

Your anti-virus program could be robbing resources at the most inopportune time. IMO, Norton and McAfee(sp?) are resource hogs.

Try keeping a log noting time/day when this happens. This info can also be found in the "Event Viewer". If you know time/day, it will pinpoint what happened to cause the issue.

You never said what your OS is. It may or may not matter.

One other thing that used to be recommended back in the day was to reboot your system if you were going to play more than 2 consecutive rounds. I'm guessing that it had something to do with clearing memory. I've never done it. In fact used to test that theory by playing 4+ rounds. Still do.

My first guess is heat. Dust builds up inside the case and interferes with airflow.
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Re: tournament crashes

Post by Dr golf »

Crashes usually happen in the evening when the house is quiet. I only play when the weather is sound. I don't use green analyzer. My computer is new.
Intel Core i5 CPU @1.00 GHz
12.0 GB
64 Bit operating system. 475 GB memory.
I do have Norton.
thank you
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Re: tournament crashes

Post by Dr golf »

I tried playing offline though when I make it to the first tee, it says couldn't disconnect from computer. I hit alt/delete and still doesn't appear that I am disconnected from internet. Is this an error? Have I disconnected from the internet and game is using a default message? I don't get the post hole scoreboard when I'm possibly disconnected. When I play online, I get the between hole scoreboard. I have experienced crashes with being what appears as disconnected. Very confusing. All help is appreciated. Thank you

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Re: tournament crashes

Post by pmgolf »

Everyone gets that message when playing offline, Doc. It's meaningless, however. Don't do anything. You're not connected as far as the Links game is concerned, but your PC is still connected to the internet (you can alt-tab out of Links and do internet stuff). When you finish playing, you will get a message along the lines of "wait while your "Stats" are sent in." Pause for a few brief seconds and you will get another message like "your stats have been successfully sent in." (Those aren't the actual words in the quotes) You can still crash while you're playing in that pseudo-disconnected state, but your chances of disconnecting are reduced. If you do crash, you've got some other problem.

fyi - I'll try Payne Stewart tomorrow and see if I have any trouble with it. Yours may have mis-downloaded.

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Re: tournament crashes

Post by Daniel »

I know people play Links with Norton running but it is the worst program I know that can crash Links or not even let you play on line while it is running. Windows security works fine so why would you need a third party firewall. You even have to go to Norton to get their uninstall tool as this program gets all over you Computer in places you would not be able to find. It would be worth your while to try Norton's uninstall tool and uninstall it do not try to remove it yourself from programs and features use the Norton removal tool. If that is not your problem and you want Norton back just reinstall it. I would certainly give it a try if you do not you will never know whether it is Norton or some other problem. The reason I am posting this is because I once had Norton running and it played havoc with Links.
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