Unable to open course after planting crash

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Duck Hook
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Unable to open course after planting crash

Post by Duck Hook »

Just wondering if anyone has ever struck this situation before.

I was doing some planting at Cambrian, had a random crash. No worries, it happens often at times. Just went to re-open the course file and I get the messgage that the file is not a .crz file or it has an error. Tried a few times, same result. Obviously that file is toast. I went back to the previous save as file and it opened fine. Lost a small amount of work but it's nothing much to do again. Tell you what though, despite being very careful to back up and save under a new file name quite often this makes me quite apprehensive.....lololol

I have had numerous crashes over the years on different courses, but this is the first time I have been unable to open the same course file.
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Re: Unable to open course after planting crash

Post by sagevanni »

Hi Duck,

I've had that happen a lot but not lately thank goodness. It is a unrecoverable situation and as you indicated and the only solution is to have back-up files as often as you can.

If you might notice the corrupt file might be almost double in size.

Sage........... :smile: :smile: :smile:
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Duck Hook
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Re: Unable to open course after planting crash

Post by Duck Hook »

Heey Sage

Yeah Ok. First time I have seen it, near crapped myself when the course wouldn't load.... :laugh:
And you're right about file size. Just checked and it went from 101mb to 160mb.....

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Re: Unable to open course after planting crash

Post by Adelade »

Happened twice to me, both times I was doing something with planting while it happened. First time it was before my first published course, and it was just an unimportant test course file on an unimportant separate instance of APCD which I used to test planting stuff on, so that wasnt a problem. Think I was in the process of adding a lot of objects to the library as it happened. Second time was towards the later stages while updating Whirlpool, which I had planted myself, while moving an object on the Z axis (because it was floating). Wasnt a big deal there either since I had a different save shortly before it. Both times I had many 2D objects within view in the perspective view when the crash happened. Had tons of other APCD crashes, but normally the course file doesnt corrupt, and with certain types of crashes you can even use ctrl+s to save while noticing that APCD is starting to freeze up and is about to crash, to not lose any progress.
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Duck Hook
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Re: Unable to open course after planting crash

Post by Duck Hook »

Heey mate. Yeah, I have noticed that about saving when it's starting to freeze. Only discovered it out of desperation when I tried it when I really didn't want to lose what I had just done. I always wondered though if this was going to cause problems so normally I just close it down with the task manager and start again. This was of course before the above incident occurred,lol. so now I am continually "save-as" ing..... :laugh:
It's so frustrating because it's so random. What I posted about occurred while having only the hole rendered that is situated near the edge of the course while looking from the hole to the edge with bugger all objects in view, not moving about, just planting and then bang! click to plant an object and that warning box comes up and you think "you #@*$#@......" :wallbash: :laugh:
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Re: Unable to open course after planting crash

Post by Adelade »

Duck Hook wrote: October 26th, 2021, 1:17 pmWhat I posted about occurred while having only the hole rendered that is situated near the edge of the course while looking from the hole to the edge with bugger all objects in view, not moving about, just planting and then bang! click to plant an object and that warning box comes up and you think "you #@*$#@......" :wallbash: :laugh:
Ah that sucks to know it can happen even then, but very good to know. Do you perhaps remember if the object in question was an APCD stock one? I think you mentioned mostly using stock ones before. With my first time it was a lot of stock objects (from the 2003 library), but then again, the second time for me there were 0 stock objects on the course ... so I guess it doesnt matter.
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Re: Unable to open course after planting crash

Post by Duck Hook »

yeah, it was a stock object. Most trees on the course are. It happens anytime, but mostly it seems when i am in an area with a lot of trees planted close together. The single biggest most frustrating bug in the apcd.
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Re: Unable to open course after planting crash

Post by braden1308 »

One thing I have found out over the years is at times when planting you can run into a resource problem, there is a memory leak in the APCD and it will cause freezes/crashes. When you are planting and adding new objects your file size grows and memory use increases, it may be slight but with this program it can be a tipping point. I generally only plant one hole, save and restart. I also try and do my undergrowth planting first, grasses, bushes, etc...trees last. If you try and move around while planting that can also cause crashes, not always of course, but this program is buggy and it can happen at any time.

As far as objects causing crashes I think that's debatable, I had an object that I thought caused me problems on one course but I was able to use it on another so I can't say one way or another about that.
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Re: Unable to open course after planting crash

Post by Danny D »

I have had the APCD crash in that manner several times in the past few years, but at no time have I ever had that type of a crash happen during planting. The very first time it happened, I was using the terrain painter to add verts. The crash occurred when I tried to pop a vert onto the outer border edge of the plot.. 2 times it happened while I was doing nothing more than selecting a group of edges. I was selecting them one at a time so I could sharpen a specific group. All 3 times it doubled the file size and damaged it to where it wouldn't open. :pcwhack:

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Re: Unable to open course after planting crash

Post by Duck Hook »

Just on Glenn's point I find most of my crashes do indeed occur when planting trees. Particularly when there are many planted close together. A previous course I planted consisted of mostly grasses and small bushes with only a few large trees and from memory had very few crashes at all and this was with large amounts of grasses planted.
And I don't know if this is my mind playing tricks but I find it interesting that Dan has had this happen close to the edge of the plot as it seems my course is more crash prone when I am working near the edge of the plot. As soon as Dan said that I thought, yeah - my crashes seem to occur more frequently when I am near the edge. Maybe just a coincidence. Funny thing is I was thinking I am glad these crashes occur only when planting and not doing terrain work and now Dan comes out with this bit of info... :wallbash: :laugh: Though I have never suffered a crash other than when planting.

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