Nothing to do with Links or the APCD but was wondering if windows 11 users on here install third party anti-virus or rely soley on windows defender?
I have used chrome and norton for donkeys years but will probably stick with edge for a while in windows 11. Microsoft, of course, tell me the latest, greatest defender is more than adequate but I have my doubts.
Yes, I have researched online but would rather hear from someone on here who has experience with this issue as I would trust them not to bullshit me.
I haven't installed 3rd party AV software dating back to WIndows 8 and haven't had any issues. It might also depend on how sketchy of websites you visit and your carelessness of opening attachments, etc., but no issues so far on my end.
Can confirm that it is widely accepted these days that Defender is enough for most people, but Big Sexy JC hits the nail on the head - depends how many risks you take, and also on the value and sensitivity of the information you keep on the system/s, and I suppose also how many enemies you might have... If some random guy with an average amount of brain cells decides to dedicate their whole life to hacking you, most likely they will succeed no matter what you do. I think the best defense against that is to simply not be rich or famous lol. The delivery of security options for average users is more or less a dying business that they try their hardest to cling onto, but they can still provide some useful services, I think the most notable example is VPNs.
Finished Courses - Main: Amedal (fictional), Nine Bridges (real)
Other: Austin, Sheshan, Kauri Cliffs, Le Golf Nat. Updates: Whirlpool, Royal Lytham, Royal St George's, Chicago, Chambers Bay, Munchen Nord E
Working on: 2 fictional courses + a couple things...