Planting Set Lost

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Ian Wells
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Re: Planting Set Lost

Post by Ian Wells »

I am certainly not too modest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am the best APCD designer in my apartment. That is unless my better half tells me different. :whistle:
Thank you for your encouragement, it is appreciated.
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Re: Planting Set Lost

Post by Adelade »

Only a guess, but the Pasatiempo one perhaps had some leftover settings of the planting set being set to the blank one, while the 2001 APCD is a fresh install and therefore loads the Default.PST that comes with APCD.
Finished Courses - Main: Amedal (fictional), Nine Bridges (real)
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Danny D
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Re: Planting Set Lost

Post by Danny D »

Hi guys. Sorry to take so long to get back to you with this. Let me throw this out to see if it covers any of the concerns about object libraries and planting sets...

I made 2 zipped copies of the APCD. All you need to do is unzip them into folders, and start using them. They were made available here some time back. One of them is a copy of the APCD with the 2001 object library already fully installed and imported into the 2003 Planting Set and ready to use. Every 2001, and 2003, 2D and 3D object is available and showing up in the 2003 "default" planting set, and ready for planting.


It's been a known problem by many designers that some of the 2001, 2D objects are corrupt. Lez mentioned it in one of his tutorials. As a result, most designers that have downloaded and used my zipped copy, use the one that doesn't have the 2001 object library readily available. After they get it unzipped and start using it, they might get confused and wonder why they're not showing up in the planting set.

I thought I left tutorials somewhere on what to do to add them to the 2003 planting set. :unsure:

In the meantime, just for clarity, let me run some things by you that have already been mentioned. I'm sure most of you already know it, but for those that don't, maybe it might help you to better understand the "OBJECT LIBRARY PLANTING SET MONSTER". :scared: :rules: :pcwhack:

I will be talking about the APCD copy that does NOT have the 2001 Object Library enabled when its unzipped and ready to use.

The reason the 2001 Object Library items don't show up in your Planting Set is because they have not been added to your 2003 default planting set yet. They have been "Library Merged" by me and are in the APCD's OBJECT folder. They are available to be added to your existing 2003 Planting set.

At this point I assumed everyone would know how to add the 2001 library objects to their 2003 planting sets. Lez covers that pretty well. I saw no need to go over it again. If you need further explanation about adding 2001 files to the 2003 default planting set, let me know and I'll cover that next.

One of the problems that will hose a planting set is by adding file names out of sequence. Lets say you are building a planting set for one specific course. A simple example would be you might go thru the "bush" object and add a few bushes at random. Lets say you add these (I made up phony names)


Now you save the planting set

A week later you decide that you want to go back and add one of the bushes between 11, and 17,

So now you go to your PS, search out the 2001 Bush objects, and add "bush_14" to the 2003 planting set. Here's where the problem lies. The APCD, for some reason, will store bush_14 below bush 17 in your planting set. The APCD will NOT sort those objects in alphabetical or numerical order. When you save the PS again, it will shift objects out of sequence and hose the planting set.

This can also happen when you import files from other courses into your planting set. If the files are stock, or standard default APCD names, they might end up in the same object folder, and get saved out of sequence. When I leaned about this, I vowed to never again import objects from other courses. If I wanted an object that bad, I would try to get it with the Links Extender, and then save it under a different file name not already used in the APCD. Doing so will keep files from being saved out of sequence...

What MUST be remembered is that, after you have built your planting set, and saved it, you must make sure that if you decide later to add more objects to it, you pay real close attention to the file names, so none of them contain names that would put them out of numeric sequence. This is extremely important!

2001 2D OBJECTS...
Since we're not sure which ones are corrupt, I would not recommend adding them to your 2003 planting set. Add only the complete 2001 3D library. Take the time to view every one of them in all categories and make notes of the buildings that are perhaps usable on your course. Jot down the names of the keepers so you know where to locate them when you want to plant them. Some of them are stored in folders that don't suggest they are buildings, so view all of the 3D objects so you know what you've got..
Also remember that they can be stretched, raised and resized. I usually plant a tournament official on the ground, and then size the house or building down to where they look normal together with the man standing in a doorway. You can also get various different building shapes and designs by planting two buildings within each other so they share each others roofs and walls. Be creative and experiment with mixing them. You will be surprised how you can make some of them look.

Because of some of these these issues, I have tried to be extremely careful with new planting sets for new courses I am building. When I start a new course, I install 2 instances of APCD's for it. One is for building the course, and the other is only to be used for a planting set. When I reach the point of planting, I will save a copy of my course and take it to the planting APCD and work on it and save it there. I'm not suggesting that anyone else use 2 copies of the APCD. 2 APCD copies are not necessary, and creates a little extra work. But to me, it keeps things neat, tidy, and uncluttered, and my course doesn't get introduced to any other data from other courses or sources. What the heck, I've got the drive space. Why not use it?

If there is anything specific about Planting Sets or Object Libraries that anyone has trouble understanding, tell me what it is and I will do my best to address that specific part. If I can't, I know there are others that can help. Trying to learn all of it together at the same time can be a little confusing. It took me forever to get it to soak in, but learning things in small steps will eventually bring it all together more clearly. What I do know for sure is that the Object Library is the quirkiest part of the APCD and is so easy to mess up and not know how or why. I don't know how to fix one once it's broken, so I try to save backups of any new files I create and hope it keeps working. :whistle:

Completed Courses
Real Courses: The National Golf Club of Kansas City - Wakonda Club - Coeur d'Alene Resort Course
Fictitious Courses: Northern Lakes - Golfcom Tees
Southern Oaks - Hometown 9 hole real course with a fictitious back 9 added
Ian Wells
Posts: 582
Joined: August 27th, 2019, 3:02 am

Re: Planting Set Lost

Post by Ian Wells »

Thanks for the explanation and please don't apologise for the delay in replying.
I now know a while lot more about Object Library and Planting Set. Perhaps if I had taken the time to understand this my previous courses wouldn't have taken so long :rant:
Please accept my thanks and my best wishes on your return to good health
Thanks Dan, :tiphat:
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