Overlapping Terrain

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Overlapping Terrain

Post by Volorgas »

Is there any way to allow for overlapping terrain? For example, can you create a single green that can be used for two different holes? If so, how do you do that so the course validation works? Thanks.
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Re: Overlapping Terrain

Post by pmgolf »

A single green for two holes - St. Andrews, maybe? Yes! You define the hole boundary for each hole - left for one hole, right for the other. I believe Cape Kidnappers holes 13 and 15 would be a good example. Look at each hole in "Practice" mode. 13 uses the green's left side, and 15 uses the green's right side. Check it out using the APCD.

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Re: Overlapping Terrain

Post by Adelade »

To make it the smoothest, the first step is to Define the hole paths from the beginning using the "Create Hole Boundary Shape for existing terrain" option. It should be possible to have a doublegreen with the other options too but it would be a headache because you'd have to insert two green shapes on top of eachother in some fashion...

Sidenote - To use the "Create Hole Boundary Shape for existing terrain" option while laying out holes is recommended even if not doing double greens, since inserting shapes is troublesome in general. Unfortunately, APCD does not have this option selected by default, so you have to actively swap to it each APCD session of defining hole paths (before defining the hole paths).

APCD DoubleGreen.jpg
APCD DoubleGreen.jpg (110.97 KiB) Viewed 4924 times

So you lay the holes out with overlapping Hole Boundary shapes (because all pins need to be planted inside their own hole's boundary shape), and then create the green by other means than inserting shapes (normally recommended method: Terrain Painter tool with settings 1 feet radius, 0 feet height and Add Density turned on - to add the verts, and then simply applying textures to the faces).

You dont even really have to have overlapping hole boundary shapes, if one hole only uses one side of a green and the other hole the other, normally double greens in real life tend to be very large and keep the hole cups relatively separated for safety reasons.

P.S. when you posed the question, you mentioned the green situation as an example, do you have any other situation in mind? As far as Im aware, Hole Boundary Shapes have no limit on how much they can overlap eachother. The important parts are that tees need to be planted on a texture with the classification of Fairway (Tee areas count as Fairways), and pins need to be planted on Greens, they all need to be between the minimum and maximum allowed distance at the time of planting them, and both pins and tees need to be within the Hole Boundary shape for their respective holes. If you had the Auto-Create Shapes option while defining the hole paths, the green and tee shapes must be inserted, the tees and pins must be planted within them, alternatively you can always delete the defined hole paths and re-create the holes.
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Re: Overlapping Terrain

Post by Duck Hook »

The 9th and 18th at Cambrian Ridge share a single green, with pins on the left for 9 and right for 18. I think the only problems I ran into were when I had a couple of pins from each hole close together. I can't remember the exact issue but in the end I think I adjusted the hole boundaries so they didn't overlap on the green and the distance between pins, although as Adelade stated the overlapping hole boundaries might not cause in issue. Just can't remember the exact issue, sorry.

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Re: Overlapping Terrain

Post by Volorgas »

Thanks everyone. I followed Adelade's procedure and was able to get the holes to work perfectly.

Much appreciated.
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Re: Overlapping Terrain

Post by sagevanni »

Hi Pete,
I think if memory serves me right it's Ballyhack with the 13/15 green situation. :bookh:
Correct me if I'm wrong.

Hi Pete................... :fear:

Sage...... :cheers1:
If there is one thing ................ummmmmmmm.......I can't remember.
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Re: Overlapping Terrain

Post by pmgolf »

That's right, Sage. The areas used for each hole don't infringe on or interfere with the other - Same thing for the dual greens at St. Andrews.

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