Win10 Links crash 5 out of 6 times on startup

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Win10 Links crash 5 out of 6 times on startup

Post by Xitax »

Returning player after some years...

Win10, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, RTX 3070, 32Gb ram, 1920x1080 monitor
-Installed base, 1.07, and nvidia patch
-5 out of 6 times it crashes on start, but if it works it works great

I tried some of these tweaks:
-compatibility mode doesn't help
-run as admin doesn't help

Does anyone have a similar problem?
EDIT: It seems to boot better in full screen mode - it worked every time only in full screen 1920x1080 but any window size had the same problem.
EDIT the 2nd: Overriding high DPI (system controlled) seems to fix it.
3RD: No, it didn't.
4TH: Installed wrapper - seems to work so far. You download the wrapper, copy only the 4 files from /MS/x86 into the main links folder. It works just like that, but you can move dgVoodooCpl.exe and dgVoodoo.conf to the main links folder if you don't want default settings such as the watermark.
5TH: I spoke too soon. Still crashes or hangs on startup the majority of the time.
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Re: Win10 Links crash 5 out of 6 times on startup

Post by pmgolf »

I'll tell you what else I know. Headphones cause a problem, as do game controllers. Also, some sounds do. I swear, MS does not want you to play Links on "their" computer. Best advice I can give you: find somebody that has an old Windows 7 computer and buy it. Most of them run Links fine.

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Re: Win10 Links crash 5 out of 6 times on startup

Post by dwg »

I've certainly had very few problems with Windows 10 &11 on Intel core series processors and embedded graphics, but there the wrapper is a must.
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