Registry settings for specific screen resolutions for Links 2003

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Links Corner
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Registry settings for specific screen resolutions for Links 2003

Post by Links Corner »

Registry settings for specific resolutions:

15 - 1920 x 1200 (thanks, langle!)
14 - 1920 x 1080 (thank, Mick!)
13 - 1808 x 1008
12 - 1680 x 1050 *
11 - 1440 x 900
10 - 1366 x 768 **
9 - 1360 x 768 **
8 - 1280 x 960 **
7 - 1280 x 800
6 - 1280 x 768 **
5 - 1280 x 720
4 - 1600 x 1200 ***
3 - 1280 x 1024 ****
2 - 1024 x 768 ****
1 - 800 x 600 ****

* This only works on my computer in Full Screen Mode
** This only works in Windowed Mode on my computer
*** I know this value from my desktop computer
**** These are the original values from 1.05

I'm sure some can fill in 13 and 14. I believe 15 is the largest possible value.


How to change the settings as provided by Rehit:

this is a regedit, so be careful...
go to start, run, regedit.
click on the following entries

Microsoft Games
LINKS 2003
Display Settings

Thanks to Armand for posting this on the old forum. :tiphat:
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Captain Nemo
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Re: Registry settings for specific screen resolutions for Links 2003

Post by Captain Nemo »

Under which "name" in Display Settings do I enter the appropriate data number. There are six names displayed.
Thanks, Dave
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Stephen Sullivan
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Re: Registry settings for specific screen resolutions for Links 2003

Post by Stephen Sullivan »

Enter the number in Mode.
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Captain Nemo
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Re: Registry settings for specific screen resolutions for Links 2003

Post by Captain Nemo »

Thanks Stephen. I figured that would be it, but it is the Registry, so I decided I wouldn't guess. ;)
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Re: Registry settings for specific screen resolutions for Links 2003

Post by MrT »

Ideally, I would like Mode 14 as that is the type of display I have. However, I noticed two issues and I wonder if it is just me or not.

1) I do indeed get the game to occupy the full screen. However, it does so by stretching the images and that is probably because that was not the resolution at which the game was developed.

2) I noticed that by using that mode option, windows is changed to 0 (not windowed) which then makes it impossible to move the game from my laptop 17.3" display to my 25" or 27" display. Not to mention, the issues if I have to reply to work messages.. Yes, I know, I should not be playing golf during work hours, but ... I am weak.

So, my question is: if I would like to use the HD format, is there a way to achieve that without stretching the pictures and or getting stuck to use DIsplay 1?

I assume that I could change the order of my displays so that the big monitor becomes number 1, but I still have the issue of stretched pictures that I do not seem to be able to tackle in any way....

Thank you.
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