Question for Lez

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Joined: November 29th, 2019, 5:33 pm

Question for Lez

Post by derricksummers »

:notworthy: :thumbup: Hi Lez nice to see you are still around. My question is regarding Inserting Shapes
Screenshot_6.png (15.81 KiB) Viewed 10774 times
My idea of a shape is the one you draw for using the foresting tool for planting etc., but when you insert it you end up with a bit of a mess.
Is there any other type of shape that is being referd to in the check list ?
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Screenshot_8.png (208.73 KiB) Viewed 10774 times
Could you explain what the reason is for Inserting shapes and what good it does, is there some kind of benefit from doing it.
I should add I never use it but I am curious to know why it is included in the check list ?
My knowledge of the APCD is limited to adding virts and turning edges and doing seam blends like I detailed in the sticky above. :unsure:
I try not to mess with something I do not understand, when I first started out all I had was Arts Book so most of what I do as been learned with trial and error, and by keeping things simple I have never had much trouble
Thanks for any info you can give on this subject
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