Using LIDAR DEM for Real Courses

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Re: Using LIDAR DEM for Real Courses

Post by epsilonindi »

Can I clarify: Is Linkster’s DEM method giving you precise contour lines, or is it actually adding the verts for you?

Edit: Nevermind, I read the original post and figured it out. That sounds amazing! Let me see if I can make it work.
5/2024 - Resuming work on Friar's Head, thanks to Linkster's DEM import. Hopefully I can make more progress than the last time.
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Re: Using LIDAR DEM for Real Courses

Post by linkster »

The answer to both questions would be yes.

I can make a .dem file in QGIS that can be imported into the APCD. This provides a square grid of verts (but doesn't have to be square) usually at 2m (6.5ft) or 3m (10ft) spacing that covers the course area. I also add hi-resolution satellite imagery usually from Google Earth to overlay the plot.

A 2m grid plot is detailed enough for decent capture of the green contours. At 3m or more vert spacing I recommend making contour line textures that can be mapped to align with the verts of the DEM. With the contour textures more verts can be manually added to get more terrain detail where it counts; on the greens.

epsilonindi; have you used QGIS and the APCD much? There are likely other ways that both could be integrated to some degree but I think I have explored most of the options I can think of.
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Re: Using LIDAR DEM for Real Courses

Post by epsilonindi »

That sounds amazing, I'd love to know how to do it. I have no experience with QGIS other than walking through the .pdf tutorial last week on green contours that you posted.

As far as APCD goes, I had started working on Friar's Head a few years ago, basing large-scale elevations off of Google Earth, but I kind of gave up after becoming disappointed in how little micro-elevation info was available on Google Earth, because I wasn't successful at elevating from photos. With a course like that, the way I was doing it just wasn't good enough.

With more precise elevations I might be able to tackle FH again... or perhaps I'd be better off attempting a course less challenging to start with (the sand wastes at FH look nasty to elevate).
Screenshot 2024-05-03 161340.png
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5/2024 - Resuming work on Friar's Head, thanks to Linkster's DEM import. Hopefully I can make more progress than the last time.
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Re: Using LIDAR DEM for Real Courses

Post by linkster »

I can certainly help you with the elevations. It looks like you started with a google earth image and "painted" the course textures over the image. I'll generated some contour lines for the entire course and you should be able to map the contours texture to your work. I'll also generate the full DEM import for you to consider. It doesn't take long to do once the course data is in the QGIS project. You'll face a tough decision on if to elevate your current work or "paint" the course textures on the DEM import. I'm not sure which would be easier to do.
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