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Lost Planting set

Posted: March 29th, 2021, 5:46 pm
by Ian Wells
I am, again, confused.
I was working on Pasatiempo GC modifying the tees hole by hole and planting trees bushes and grasses. I was about to plant some grasses but I realised the the ones I wanted were made for Wade Hampton. I located the grasses I wanted on my C: drive and then went to APCD to import them. When I opened the course there was nothing in the planting set, it was completely empty. I must have done something for it to disappear but I have no idea what. I had planted only 10 or so trees and a few bushes so the impact on lost work is not great but how do I get a planting set into my course file, and more importantly what did I do to lose it?
Any and all help will be appreciated.

(I will be away from my laptop for the next 8 hours or so.)

Re: Lost Planting set

Posted: March 29th, 2021, 9:13 pm
by Adelade
I think Ive experienced the same thing as you in some of my instances of APCD, but I dont recall too well my theories for what might have caused it, if I even had any... I feel like maybe I suspected it likely had something to do with opening different planting sets in different APCD folders in some ways, or maybe about running APCD with and without admin, but I dont know. When it happened to me, reloading the planting set file did nothing, so I had to create a new planting set from scratch and simply add the same objects as before to it. If your issue is the same one I had, the objects should still be perfectly fine in your object library, including their settings - so its hopefully just a matter of adding the correct objects back into a new planting set, which isnt so bad.

Re: Lost Planting set

Posted: March 30th, 2021, 7:13 am
by sagevanni
I make sure I have a backup directory of a pristine APCD folder that's got everything I need in it. There are a number of files in the root APCD directory.

If I have the planting set problem I back up my courses folder and replace the APCD directories and then copy my backed up course back into the courses directory.

If I just have a messed up texture problem, usually my slider bar disappears, then I copy/paste the APCD root directory files and overwrite the existing ones.

This works for me.....

Sage.... :smile:

Re: Lost Planting set

Posted: March 30th, 2021, 3:15 pm
by Ian Wells
Sage and Adelade, thanks for your replies.
Since Peachtree I do the keep a copy of APCD with directories for one course only. I have copied the APCD with all directories and opened up the Pasatiempo course and all is back to before the loss. This will only work as long as I do not import any new objects into the Pasatiempo APCD.
Why the planting set was lost will remain a mystery. I guess it is all part of pain and pleasure in using it. I still find it amazing at the quality of the courses that you designers bring out.

Thanks for your help. Until my next hiccup.


Re: Lost Planting set

Posted: March 30th, 2021, 4:03 pm
by sagevanni
Any time baby...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sage....... :smile: