Real courses are blah

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Ian Wells
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Joined: August 27th, 2019, 3:02 am

Re: Real courses are blah

Post by Ian Wells »

I like to "see" what I am rendering in APCD and I have to have a liking for the course I am rendering. With Wade Hampton the visual appeal of the course was self evident and Peachtree intrigued me. With Pasatiempo I was unsure if I would complete the rendition, but I have become a big fan. For each course the details are there on the web and I just have to find them and render them in APCD. No input from me. With a collaboration I would have to have some feeling for the course and share my collaborator's vision. Unfortunately that is not in my pyschi.
I have long thought about creating a compound course and if/when I establish the framework for it, I may well seek a collaborator to provide that extra something that my imagination lacks.
But first Pasatiempo.
(I have completed the first three holes complete with pin locations and the greens on Pasatiempo are something else. I can see the similarity to Augusta. No surprise as they were designed by the same person .)
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Re: Real courses are blah

Post by 1PuttJeff »

This is an interesting topic and I tend to lean toward downloading and playing "real" Links courses. Maybe it is because of the thrill of actually being able to par or birdie a hole at Augusta National or Pebble Beach. With that being said, there are several excellent "fictional" courses available too and the Links Community is very fortunate to have some excellent course designers! I have never tried to design a course for Links, but based on the comments I have read from other "Linksters," it sounds pretty involved, but maybe it is because I have never tried to create a course myself.
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