APCD 3D House Tutorial

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Re: APCD 3D House Tutorial

Post by braden1308 »

Pat, here are the instructions as best as I can explain them for the
3D clone tool:

First make a copy of your latest course version just in case.....

Open up APCD Clone tool version and in it open up the copy of the course.
Select File/Save Master and save as MASTER.crz (if you can't see this option under File then you do not have the Clone Tool version of
the APCD open)

At this point I usually close the APCD Clone and then re-open it.
Find and open MASTER.crz.
You can now create your 3D objects as normal. BUT ............. DO NOT MOVE ANY OTHER VERTS OR CHANGE ANY COURSE TEXTURES/PROPERTIES
during this process - only the object added since the Master file was saved should be worked on.
At any point during your building of objects you can save - I usually save as S1 but any filename is ok.
You can re-open this file and do more work and then save as S1 again at any time.
Once you've finished your 3D object and saved as S1 you can then move the whole object as one (by selecting all verts)
to a new location (I usually keep them all close together at this point ... but no so close that verts overlap -
they should be treated as separate objects) and save as S2. Do this (move the object) as many times as you need copies of the object.

A word of warning - sometimes things do not go to plan and it is no fun to do 15 moves and saves over 2 to 3 hours only to
find the second file and every one after was faulty. I usually do 4 or 5 saves and then do the merge to check there are no faulty saves.

Once you have all (or a few) cloned files (S1, S2, S3, S4 etc) go to File/Merge and fill in the necessary fileds by selecting those files as such:.
Master Reference will be the MASTER.crz file you created first.
Merge File(s) will be all the files containing your object (S1, S2, S3 .. just select all the files you want to merge with the master).
New Master will be a filename of your choosing (just NOT MASTER.crz)
Click Merge.

Once the merge is complete, and if all has gone to plan when you open up your new master it should contain the same object in all the locations
you moved it to.

it's been so long but I believe you sent me this.

Posts: 20
Joined: February 10th, 2021, 11:06 am

Re: APCD 3D House Tutorial

Post by PatAuge »

That’s exactly how to do it!! But the Beauty is things like fencing, bins, signs things that are easy to build you can make tons in first version then with lots of saved versions you can have craploads of 3D

And yes OMG those are my instructions!! I can’t believe you still have them after so many years
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Joined: August 29th, 2019, 2:02 pm

Re: APCD 3D House Tutorial

Post by braden1308 »

I had lost a lot of material in a power surge years ago but recently found some backups that had many of my APCD files on them going back to 2004-2005. Unfortunately I lost a number of unlocked courses I designed and released locked so I cannot update them, including courses I was working on with Paul Seaman.

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Joined: February 10th, 2021, 11:06 am

Re: APCD 3D House Tutorial

Post by PatAuge »

I have absolutely nothing left!! The game, the designer, all my texture libraries. Boy I’d love to do something again but I don’t even have a desktop these days!! I play another golf game call Golf Clash, have you heard of it?
Posts: 590
Joined: August 29th, 2019, 2:02 pm

Re: APCD 3D House Tutorial

Post by braden1308 »

No Pat, I haven't heard of that game. Unfortunately I don't have the time to really play anything these days. Have to get ready to go work now. Try to check in later.

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