What is your average driving distance in APCD?

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What is your average driving distance in APCD?

Less than 240 yards
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240 to 260
260 to 280
280 to 300
300 to 320
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Total votes: 27

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Stephen Sullivan
Posts: 327
Joined: August 26th, 2019, 8:42 pm

Re: What is your average driving distance in APCD?

Post by Stephen Sullivan »

Late to the party :oops:

Playing Champ Powerstroke my average is 284 with a 2 Wood. It's a little more forgiving than Driver for me off the tee :rofl:

I love a variety of tees for tournament set ups :thumbup:
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Re: What is your average driving distance in APCD?

Post by MrT »

284 yds in my career playing RTS with the regular version of the game..
Over 300 yards if I play using Links 2003 Pro Distances. However, I do not like to play this version because I need to play by clicking.

I also noticed that if you play Champ or Elite, distances are a bit more than playing just Amateur or Pro. I never play below gusty winds. So sometimes I benefit from it, other times my distances are cut by quite a bit.

With Links2003 Pro Distances I like to select specific downhill holes on specific courses(Like Kapalua). There my longest shot (Elite, High wind and waiting for winds to be a tailwind, downhill fairway..) i reached 450 yards... a lot of that was rolling on fairway though.
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