Meanwhile, 10 years later.....

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Duck Hook
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Re: Meanwhile, 10 years later.....

Post by Duck Hook »

Hey John, how you been mate?

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it. It didn't turn out like I was hoping for but I am happy enough with it.
Appreciate the kind words, always good to hear from you.

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Re: Meanwhile, 10 years later.....

Post by jwgriffingca »

Hi Todd, Happy New Year! Overall doing pretty well, how about you?

I've been dusting off Links occasionally, not much time to play, but it's great to see so many quality courses still being produced. Your release of Desperation Hills inspired me to take a spin around my own course that's been WIP for so many years now. There was only one hole where I felt like some significant changes were still needed; other than that, it's "just" textures, blends, planting, pano, and 3D. Maybe I'll be able to make some incremental progress on it and get it to the point where it might be beta-worthy. Retirement can't get here soon enough!

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Duck Hook
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Re: Meanwhile, 10 years later.....

Post by Duck Hook »

I am hearing you. It's crazy how the older we get the busier we seem to become and the quicker the years seem to fly by. Having a 16 year old daughter who has just obtained her learner's driving licence isn't helping the aging process
Retirement seems such a long way off, 14 long years probably at least for me... :scared:
I remember your course, it looked so good. I also remember how I said I hoped to play it before I turned 50, damn, where have the last 3 years gone??
Good luck with it !

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Captain Nemo
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Re: Meanwhile, 10 years later.....

Post by Captain Nemo »

If you have kids and grand kids, then retirement is just like work except you don't get paid for it. I turn 80 in March, then retirement will be 20 years. :wallbash: :surrender: :smile: :cheers1:
I always wanted to write something intelligent in my signature. Now that I think about it, I guess I just did! :clapping: :smile:
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Re: Meanwhile, 10 years later.....

Post by pmgolf »

Retirement is sweet, guys! This year marks 20 years retired for me. 19 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren, and I'm able to be a part of their lives and watch them grow up. Of course time takes it's toll on my strength, balance and physical abilities, but I still go to the gym (Planet Fitness) once a week and play golf once a week to keep myself going at 78. Life is sweet!

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Duck Hook
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Re: Meanwhile, 10 years later.....

Post by Duck Hook »

You blokes are great.
Y'all make me feel like a teenager........ :smile: :smile:

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