Links Virtual Tour - 2023

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Re: Links Virtual Tour - 2023

Post by mwc0914 »

radiodj wrote: November 22nd, 2023, 5:01 pm Mike.....I'm still getting the same error code. Here is a copy of what the debugger tells me.

last_row = Sheets("Leaderboard").Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row
For i = 4 To last_row
If Sheets("Leaderboard").Range("b" & i).Value = human_name And _
(Sheets("Leaderboard").Range("h" & i).Value <> "WD" And Sheets("Leaderboard").Range("h" & i).Value <> "DQ" And _
Sheets("Leaderboard").Range("h" & i).Value <> "MC") Then
human_plays = 1: i = last_row
End If
Next i
End If
End If

Can you help me with this. Thanks
i think I may have found the error. I just got an error myself for a different reason, but I think they are related.
Give me this weekend to make the fix. This happened when I made a change to the tour screen to stop the delay and flashing when selecting to view a different tournament other than this weeks' tournament in the list of tournaments for the season.
Last edited by mwc0914 on November 23rd, 2023, 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Links Virtual Tour - 2023

Post by mwc0914 »

Jimbo wrote: November 22nd, 2023, 11:04 pm I think that the results are based on the previous year's activity (including scores, cut lines and most importantly $$$ :smile: so that we can have a "real" least that's what I found last time.
I'm guessing that explains the "2023" name.
Did I get that right Mike?
The name LVT 2023 is based on that is when I made this update. The player data is still from the original version. It would take me a long time to go through and update the player data. In LVT player data is updated after every tournament, based on what LVT calculated for them in that tournament, and that data is carried forward season after season in LVT.
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Re: Links Virtual Tour - 2023

Post by mwc0914 »

cloeks1 wrote: November 20th, 2023, 8:04 pm Just checked the new LVT and all seems to be working without errors. The cup has no errors either although it took me a while to remember to mark selected platers with an x. One question... is there a way to move courses I've added in the old version to the new version?
Thanks... you do amazing work....great job.
Follow this and you should be able to update your course list in LVT "through the backdoor" :rules:

1. Open LVT and go to the Tour where you have created new courses.
2. Click on the "+" sign to create a new sheet.
3. Right click on the sheet, then left click on View Code.
4. This takes you to the VBA editor. On the left you should see a "navigation section" in the upper left of the screen. There will be a section where it lists all the Sheets in the file.
5. Left click on Sheet1(Courses).
6. At the bottom left of the screen you will see a line that says Visible 2-xlSheetVeryHidden. This is a dropdown box. Click on it and select 1 - xlSheetVisible.
7. Switch screens a go back to the LVT screen and you should see a new sheet listed at the bottom that says Courses. Click on the sheet and the Courses sheet will appear. This should contain the list of all your courses.
8. Copy this sheet into its own Excel file. You will be pasting this sheet into the new version on LVT.
9. After copying you can close the old version of LVT and leave the Course sheet visible, etc if you want. If you want to clean up the old verison, follow the instructions below for cleaning up the new version of LVT.

If you want to update the course list for all tours to be created, do this when the initial splash screen comes up when you start LVT. If you want to update the course for only a tour already created, do the following ONLY AFTER you have clicked on Play The Tour and the Tour page is displaying...

10. Repeat steps 1-7 from above in the new LVT version.
11. Delete all data from the Courses sheet.
12. Paste the Courses sheet you just copied onto the Courses sheet in the new version of LVT. If you are doing this for a specific tour and the season has already started, any new courses will not be reflected in the season. You will need to make this change between seasons.
13. Clean up the new LVT....Click on the dropdown at the bottom left of the VBA Editor to set the Courses sheet back to xlSheetVeryHidden.
14. Switch back to the LVT screen and the Course sheet should now be gone.
15. Right click on Sheet1, the new sheet you created, and right click.
16. Click on Delete Sheet.
17. Click on the LVT Exit button to save and close LVT. This should save your courses in LVT. 
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Re: Links Virtual Tour - 2023

Post by mwc0914 »

OK, made the latest fixes. New version should be here soon...
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Re: Links Virtual Tour - 2023

Post by cloeks1 »

Thanks for the copy courses instructions. I now have a copy that will save me some time.
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Re: Links Virtual Tour - 2023

Post by Andy »

Mike's latest version is here ...

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Re: Links Virtual Tour - 2023

Post by radiodj »

The only thing now Mike is the leaderboard. Does not calculate totals column.

Sorry man, DJ
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Re: Links Virtual Tour - 2023

Post by mwc0914 »

What the :rant:

Sorry 'bout that. Will fix right away!
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Re: Links Virtual Tour - 2023

Post by Andy »

Mike's updated version is here ...

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Re: Links Virtual Tour - 2023

Post by Jimbo »

Mike-I was having trouble with the original course-it may be because I'm running an old version of Excel but do you have to enter the tournament data BEFORE you name the tour?

That's what your video implies.
I also got Run Time Error 1004 when I tried to exit I had to Control/Alt/Delete to shut it down.

vt_exit_sw = 1: lvt_cup_sw = 1
Unload Me
userform_lvt_cup_course.Show vbModeless
End Sub

Private Sub btn_save_and_exit_Click()
lvt_exit_sw = 1: personal_sw = 0
For i = 1 To Workbooks.Count
If Workbooks(i).Name = "PERSONAL.XLSB" Then
personal_sw = 1
End If
Next i
If (Workbooks.Count = 2 And personal_sw = 1) Or Workbooks.Count = 1 Then
End If
End Sub

Private Sub btn_create_tour_Click()
userform_create_tour.Show vbModeless
End Sub
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