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Carey Park Municipal Golf Course
by Doug Hurst

Links Corner Course Database ID Number - 2222
Release Date CRZ Filesize Par Course Length
2015-01-11  16,154,624  bytes 71  6490 yards
Type Style CRZ Filename
REAL  UNCLASSIFIED  CareyParkMunicipalGolfCourse_V1.crz 
Course ID Course Key
f29060d52a1c423a90b4c61503c2313f  aa71925160fb65d825b79a4e934af533 

I'm putting a Version 1.0 course.

I will likely not be making any changes until September 2015 based on feedback I received and a trip to the actual course.

The .zip file contains...
Carey Park Municipal Golf Course Read-Me.txt
...and is a replacement for the Carey Park Golf Course beta I put up a couple of weeks ago.

I will appreciate any feedback anyone would like to give at the email address submitted with this.

I guess that's all for now.
Doug Hurst

Original Read-Me:
As a teen growing up in Hutchinson, I played for the Hutchinson High School Golf Team and the Hutchinson Junior College Golf Team.

While we afforded the opportunity to play the more prestigious Prairie Dunes about once a season, (Steve Avery has done a fabulous job on Prairie Dunes but I've always wanted to recreate Carey Park), Carey Park was our home course.

Summers, I practically lived at the course from 1963-1967 before enlisting in the Marine Corps. A seasonal membership was something like $65. Greens fees were $.75 on weekdays and $1.25 on weekends.

This beta version was created using a Google Maps template so all the forestation is accurate for placement and I believe most of the tree types. Using Google Earth, I believe I got most of the elevations correct, but the breaks on the greens are based on tilt and my best recollection of undulations… a recollection which is non-existent for some holes as that was in the mid-60's. When I return to Hutch in September for my 50th high school reunion, I will take hundreds of pictures and correct any errors in the course.

When I played Carey Park, there was no watering system and no sand traps. It was pretty lush with the Spring rains, but was complete hard pan by mid-July and winter rules were used year around. They now have both a watering system and several bunkers.

Unlike many of the beautiful courses created by APCD'ers, Carey Park is neither a terribly hard, long (@ 6,490 yards from the back tees), nor interesting course. But it's my course and I was happy to build it and proud to share it.

Doug Hurst

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